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Safeguarding Adults Level 1 Course


Our Safeguarding courses have been created because, first and foremost, each and every one of us has basic human rights. Chief among these is the right to be healthy, happy and treated well, regardless of race, age, gender or location. When these rights are abused in some way it’s wrong, and it is therefore vital that guidelines, policies and procedures are followed to enable everyone, without exception to live a life in which these basic values and rights are maintained and upheld.

This course is aimed at anyone who has a duty of care for, or comes into contact with, adults in need of care and support, either as a paid professional or a volunteer. This includes, but isn’t limited to, those that work in domiciliary care, the NHS, community centres, prisons or with a family member at home, and sets out the roles and responsibilities everyone must undertake to protect an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. You and the organisation you work for must take appropriate and proportional measures necessary for the protection of adults in your care, while still ensuring they are supported and empowered to have control over how they want to live their lives and this course can bring you one step closer to being able to do this.

This means that whatever the circumstance, you and the organisation you work for must take appropriate and proportional measures necessary for the protection of adults in your care, while still ensuring they are supported and empowered to have control over how they want to live their lives.

During this course you will hear many facts, figures and details surrounding the risk to adults in need of care and support, the types of abuse suffered and key safeguarding legislation put in place to minimise the abuse of adults with care and support needs. By the end of this course, you will have learned a better understanding of safeguarding principles and be able to apply them to your role. This includes being able to define the key terminology in relation to safeguarding; identify the principle laws that relate to safeguarding and why they have been put in place to minimise abuse; recognise and respond to the ten types of abuse suffered by vulnerable adults; identify and report concerns of abuse or neglect; describe your role, responsibilities and boundaries; ensure people are supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and give informed consent, and finally manage the environment to minimise the risk of abuse.

What will learners get out of it?

  • Define the term ‘safeguarding adults’
  • Understand the circumstances which may cause adults to be at risk of abuse
  • Identify and describe the different types of abuse that may effect adults who need care and support
  • Explain what is meant by the terms ‘radicalisation’ and ‘extremism’ and describe how an adult may be drawn into extremist activities
  • Explain how you can work towards preventing abuse by promoting dignity and well-being through your own practice
  • Describe how you can work in a person-centred and empowering way with adults
  • Explain how to raise concerns where abuse of an adult is suspected within, or outside, your organisation, and the roles that different organisations play
  • Discuss the key legislation and the role of policies and procedures relating to safeguarding adults in your own organisation
  • Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the different agencies involved in investigating allegations of abuse

Course Modules

Module 1: Introduction and Definitions
Module 2: Types of Abuse and the Rights of Vulnerable Adults
Module 3: Recognising the Signs of Abuse
Module 4: What to Do if you Suspect Abuse
Module 5: Safeguarding Legislation

Accreditations & Endorsements:

This course has been developed in partnership with experts from North Bristol NHS Trust and the University of Manchester.

Course Fee


This Course Includes:

Total Duration
80 Minutes
Delivery Method
Online Training

Who is it for?

Safeguarding adults level 1 is for all staff including non-clinical managers and staff working in health care settings.


The session is followed by a multiple choice assessment designed to test learners’ understanding of the course.

Learning progress and test results can be tracked by managers for internal development and learners can keep a certificate of completion for CPD.

Core Skills Framework:

This course meets the outcomes for level 1 of the framework.

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T: +44 (0) 203 983 4569

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